Tuesday 1 July 2014

Another rant about my relatives

Note to self: Never lend any of my possessions to these fuckwits.

Turd had been reading several of my books for the last few days. I'd find them anywhere-lying on the floor, on the dining table, on the bed...It was obvious enough that he had no respect for books. And then today- he threw down a book on the floor, at which I decided against lending any of my other books to him.

The rule is simple enough-if you cannot respect me or my possessions, you won't have access to them. Only an idiot would argue with that, and  Turd and Turdette proved themselves to be idiots over and over again. 

Turdette's argument: We must adjust. Adjust.

She sounds like she has no respect for herself. That really disgusts me; she sounds like a typical oppressed, abused woman-which she isn't, but she keeps acting like one. Some kind of a martyr complex? According to her, the sun shines out of Turd's arse, and we're lucky that he shares it with us.  Apparently, it's a favor that he's paying for my college (not a duty), tolerating my behavior (letting me cook for myself, letting me do what I want) (again, not a duty) and not abusing me physically or verbally (Next time he hits or shouts at me, he's going to jail) (again, not a duty).


It's a parents duty to provide a child (which they chose to have, mind you) with a positive home environment (failure), pay for them until they get a job (I'm in uni and these two bastards wont let me get a job to support myself), and not abuse them (again, failure).

It's the duty of every person on the planet to accept that people with different values may live peacefully, and that they mustn't do anything to harm that person unless he's hurt you or your family. Whose fault is it that millions everyday break these rules? Isn't it partially the fault of those who try to adjust to faulty and harmful behavior instead of trying to correct it?

I can see now why solipsism is listed as a Satanic sin. And as a Satanist I have to ensure that the people with differing values (who see mine as wrong and evil) do not have power over me.

Can you see now why my family absolutely disgusts me? 

Oh, and now Turdette is trying to call in anything she's done for me as a favor. Thanks to my Slytherin instincts, she's failing horribly-anything she did for me falls under duty, not under favor.
And if they can wave away my favors with a thanks, so can I.