Saturday 27 December 2014

I won't forgive and I won't forget

One of my major complaints about school was the fact that teachers take 30-45 minutes to teach a class of 60 students a concept that can be individually understood better in 10 minutes. 6-7 hours a day to learn something that can be understood in half an hour, tops is a terrible waste of time. I could do so much in the time freed up by not attending lectures like a trained monkey; I was ready to do it too- only Turd and Turdette's attitude was something to the tune of school being the only way to learn something. Refusing to go to school would have thrown my access to books or knowledge of any kind down the toilet, and gotten me a family of abusive assholes who were now actively trying to ruin my life.(As opposed to accidentally ruining it before with their lack of thought and neglect.)"

This just popped up in a reply about a completely unrelated issue. It's only now that I'm starting to remember things I'd repressed as a child; the why's of hating my parents and wanting to incinerate them, along with the why's of holding back those urges, are becoming clearer now. In 10th to 12th I just knew "I hate my parents" and "I shouldn't murder them". On the topic of Tiger moms (or virulent abusive bitches who can't take a denial from their child), 

"This sounds disturbingly like a militarist Nazi regime, and sad thing is that i have gone through this. I agree with the writer though- nature cannot be repressed, and that led my parents to be more abusive and virulent- calling me a bitch, implying that i would end up nowhere, etc.etc. Nevermind that i am not the typical "abused depressed emo". That is not the only sign that something is wrong!! 
It's not just schools- parents like these are actually worse because you cannot run from them. In a world where this style of parenting is seen as "correct" and children as "worthless" unless they get good grades, you are raising more criminals than a more liberal parent. I should know- rage, depression and psychopathy weren't the only issues i dealt with. I am proud of what i am today, but that is because i realized early on that these people or my grades will be nowhere in my life in 20 years. How many more childhoods were wasted on this? It makes me more angry to think that people like these are allowed to marry when perfectly normal, loving people are not just because they are gay. In this mess what you're allowed and not allowed to say makes a difference, and they expect me to tell them the truth? How can i trust them? Just remember that your parents or your name do not define what you are; YOU DO. I really wonder how fucked up society is to think that power plays with children are normal and even laudable. I want something that has never been allowed is my parent's house-freedom to do what i want without some kind of authority hanging over my head. I think that's the only good thing that came out of knowing these assholes at all."

A reply: "Extremely damaging style of parenting, but because those kids aren't being starved or raped, nobody cares. We all know that kids are stupid and need to be "disciplined" and bullied around anyway to learn some "respect", so people actually admire those parents, or, at most, just figure it's their way of doing it. I guess the parent's right to be a dick means more than the child's mental well-being, because those people act like the children don't even exist, as if they're just objects. It's always the parents' rights."

Another post. " I just realized is pretty easy for someone like me to get through (since i just don't give a fuck) but it's my parents who have been making things hard for me these past 10 or so years. Seriously, it's all thanks to the lack of emotional support at home that i'm who i am today- untrusting and defiant. Both of them are verbally abusive and it was clear that i couldn't trust them in anything. Noo Moreover, it was clear that they-and the rest of my relatives were trying to create problems between me and my sister by showing partiality and favoritism to her, comparing our heights, looks,etc. etc. etc. The last 17 years have been full of nothing but stupid, childish and petty insults-stuff like telling me i am nothing, worthless and stupid; it's the exact same behavior a playground bully would show. And to think i grew up with two of those- who were much more harmful since i couldn't avoid them for long.. They have been poisoning my friendships since i was a kid by manipulating my friends to spy on me for them, and i hate them both for it."

So, when these assholes have ruined my childhood, why should I let them near myself again? They have already proved themselves to be untrustworthy and shit-distributers of the first order. Fuck forgiveness and fuck forgetting. I will toss these two out of my life (as soon as it's expedient, of course) and I will use the things I have learnt to identify and eliminate such people from it.